
Safe, Effective and Drug Free Treatments for All Your Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy is such an exciting and special time in your life. By looking after your health and wellbeing with pregnancy acupuncture, you are looking after the health of your growing baby. I love supporting pregnant women and helping them enjoy an easy pregnancy.

Acupuncture is the treatment of choice during pregnancy. It is not only effective but totally natural and drug-free. Pregnancy acupuncture is safe for you and your baby, and free from side effects.


Acupuncture can resolve or ease many of the common discomforts associated with pregnancy. Treatments not only relieve symptoms, but they also bring back balance and harmony. All this can help you have the best pregnancy and birth possible.


I recommend weekly treatments in the first trimester to help you adjust. Treatments at this stage will focus on hormonal balance and miscarriage prevention. They will also help with tiredness and nausea/vomiting.

During the second trimester, you can attend once or twice a month, depending on your needs.

Finally, in the third trimester, I recommend weekly treatments from 36 weeks onwards. At this stage, pre-birth acupuncture treatments focus on preparing the body for birth.


Acupuncture treatments are very relaxing and enjoyable. It’s one hour of me-time for you to sit back, relax, and feel confident that you are doing the best for yourself and your baby.

Acupuncture Treatments for All Stages of Pregnancy

First Trimester


Morning Sickness



Hormone Imbalance

Miscarriage Prevention

Second Trimester




Back Pain



Third Trimester

Back Pain & Sciatica, SPD,

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Insomnia, Anxiety

Breech or Posterior Position

Preparation for Birth




Tiredness, Insomnia

Low Milk Supply,

Cracked/Sore Nipples,

Blocked Ducts, Mastitis

Post-natal Depression

Acupuncture for Pre-Birth & Natural Induction of Labour

Acupuncture has become the treatment of choice for women looking to avoid a medical induction of labour.

It can prepare you physically by helping soften and ripen the cervix, helping to support the ligaments as they stretch to widen the pelvis, helping the baby descend into the pelvis in an optimal position, as well as boosting your energy levels. All this leads to spontaneous onset of labour, as well as efficient, shorter and more manageable births.

It also prepares you emotionally by removing fear, building your confidence and keeping you relaxed. Treatments are so relaxing and such a lovely thing to do for you and your baby.

When to come for treatment

The sooner the better. Pre-birth treatments are generally started in the last month of pregnancy, around 36-37 weeks. Acupuncture is very effective but it is also very gentle and cumulative. Starting around this time will give you the best preparation.

Women who are struggling or finding it difficult are advised to start at 34 weeks to allow enough time to replenish energy levels, even more so if having to work until 38 weeks.

But no matter how late in pregnancy you are, it is never too late! Even 1 or 2 treatments can make a significant difference, especially if you are past your due date and looking for acupuncture to induce labour naturally.

Phil has been amazing throughout my pregnancy. I had many issues to include severe pelvic pain to a point I could hardly walk, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis and lower back pain. I began weekly acupuncture sessions and never looked back. Phil fixed everything! After experiencing these pains in previous pregnancies and after engaging several different treatments I didn’t think anything would work until I found Phil. The sessions were so relaxing and calming in addition. 

I would highly recommend Phil for any pregnancy related pains and general well being. 

Thank you Phil for your kindness, expertise and support.
